French, Week 9

slipped a day. but did the rest. the podcast was amazing. i did not understand anything. will keep at it :)

juillet 7, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 8

French, seems to be the only thing that I do regularly. Probably because it takes me only 45 minutes to an hour daily. (And that is because I am dumb and slow and deliberate. I’m sure other folks must be doing this is 10-20 minutes) While I thought I was making progress, I had a funny sort of realisation when a friend asked me if I could speak and carry on a basic conversation in French. And I realised, I couldn’t. I could not even understand words (or a sense of what they might convey outside of the little, I was learning daily.) ...

juin 30, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Weeks 6 & 7

Nothing much to say except that I am still at it. Chipping away slowly at this, waiting for my all at once moment.

juin 29, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 5

Similar sounding words are an absolute murder on the ears. I can’t figure out moo and moue, kip and keep, and lots of bonne and bun. Keeping at it though. Keeping at it. :)

juin 14, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 4

Coasting along this week, not stretching too much. Just doing enough, so I do not fall off the wagon. Having fun reading every word with r with the french ʁ sound :)

juin 10, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 3

It’s going swimmingly well so far. Still in the phase where there is an avalanche of stuff coming at me. But a few tiny things, I know now. Which is how I know I am making progress. P.S. Crazy idea that just struck me, would to start writing these updates in french as soon as I am able!

mai 31, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza