Premier Post à la Française

Premier français post. Desole pour mon francais mediocre. J’aprende à écrire.

avril 15, 2024 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 16

The words to study are getting overwhelming now. Just hope this is temporary. Last week’s mnemonic tip is working wonders though. I am learning and remembering more words faster. And now I see why the app is not yet giving me lots of sentences. It wants me to build up a core vocabulary. And the time I give it is not much. So it will all come with time. (The way the words flow, in my head, is a bit easier now) I just need to be patient and keep at it. ...

août 24, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 15

Some weeks, you feel like you go through the motions. This was not one of those weeks. Made a small breakthrough that helps me now remember words faster, when I add images to my app. Now in addition to the images for the word, I also add an image that might help me remember how the word actually ‘sounds’. For example, this is word I have to learn. Singe. Singe is monkey, in French. So here’s a monkey … of sorts. ...

août 17, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 14

This week was a slog. Kept at it. Specially after reading this. Can understand phrases, here and there now. So, that’s progress. :)

août 10, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 13

I am beginning to understand sentences a bit. That is all

août 6, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza

French, Week 12

This was a boring week. But I kept at it. If I think, I have made progress, all I need to do is listen to a podcast. And then I understand how far I still have to go. Still at the stage where I am adding words to my basic vocabulary and doing review. But there is steady, incremental progrgess.

juillet 27, 2019 · Mario Jason Braganza